2 Corinthians 9:7
Each person should do as he has decided in his heart - not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. (CSB)
Tithe & general offering account details:
Standard Bank
Account no. 033 024 308
Branch No. 052 650
Ref: Tithe/Offering
Mission Home. Mission Away. Justice & Compassion.
We are a church on mission. Every year people in our church give sacrificially to our annual faith offering which is over and above our tithe and general giving. Through this offering we enable the church to take giant steps forward in fulfilling Jesus' mandate to proclaim His gift of salvation, make disciples and be a blessing to the people of our city and beyond.
Although an annual offering, you are welcome to give to the faith offering at any time during the year as you feel led.
Faith offering account details:
Standard Bank
Account no. 032 984 715
Branch No. 052 650
Ref: Faith Offering